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Is Laryngitis Contagious?

Updated: Apr 30

Chart of Laryngitis Symptoms, Cause, Diagnosis, and Treatment.

Laryngitis happens when the voice box (larynx) gets inflamed, and it's pretty common among people of all ages. One question that often pops up: Is Laryngitis Contagious? Let's explore more about laryngitis to grasp what it is, what causes it, its symptoms, and whether it can spread to others.

What is Laryngitis?

Laryngitis is when your larynx gets inflamed. It's in the throat where your vocal cords are. This can make you sound hoarse, give you a sore throat, and make it hard to talk. It can happen for a short time or stick around for a longer time, and it can affect anyone, no matter their age.

Types of Laryngitis

Laryngitis comes in various forms, each with its own set of characteristics:

Acute Laryngitis

Acute laryngitis is the usual type and often comes from viruses like the flu or a cold. It happens quickly and usually goes away in a few days to two weeks. People with it might have a hoarse voice, a sore throat, and a dry cough.

Chronic Laryngitis

Chronic laryngitis lasts longer, often for three weeks or more. It might come from being around irritants like smoke or drinking too much alcohol. Chronic laryngitis can also come from health issues like GERD, a condition where stomach acid backs up into your throat.

Symptoms of Laryngitis

Hoarseness or Changes in Voice Quality

Hoarseness, or changes in voice, is a key sign of laryngitis. People might notice their voice sounds different, from a bit hoarse to losing it entirely. This happens because the vocal cords get swollen, making it hard to speak normally.

Sore Throat

When you have laryngitis, you might also get a sore throat. The swelling and irritation in your larynx can spread to your throat, making it feel sore and uncomfortable. Some people might only have a bit of irritation, while others could feel a lot of pain.

Dry Cough

A persistent dry cough is another common symptom of laryngitis. The irritation in the vocal cords makes you want to cough, but unlike coughs that bring up mucus, this one doesn't.

Throat Irritation or Tickling Sensation

People with laryngitis often feel a constant tickle or irritation in their throat. This happens because the throat is inflamed, making you want to cough.

Difficulty Swallowing

Laryngitis can sometimes make swallowing hard. It's because the throat is inflamed, which can cause pain or discomfort when you swallow. This happens more often in severe cases of laryngitis.

Increased Throat Mucus

Laryngitis might make your throat produce more mucus, which can make it feel like there's a lump in your throat. Your body makes extra mucus to soothe the irritation and swelling in your throat.


Feeling tired is common with laryngitis because your body is working hard to fight off the infection or swelling. It's important to rest your voice and get enough sleep to help you get better.

Mild Fever

Sometimes with laryngitis, you might get a slight fever. It's your body's way of fighting off infection. Just keep an eye on your temperature and make sure to drink plenty of fluids.

Runny Nose

Though not the main symptom, some people with laryngitis might have a runny nose. It could be because of the virus or bacteria that caused the laryngitis.

What Causes Laryngitis?

Viral Infections

Viral infections, especially those that affect breathing, often cause laryngitis. Common viruses like the ones causing colds, flu, and RSV inflame the voice box. When these viruses invade, your body's defenses kick in, leading to swelling and irritation.

Bacterial Infections

Bacterial infections, though not as frequent as viral ones, can also trigger laryngitis. Streptococcus, the germ behind strep throat, is one example. If laryngitis is bacterial, antibiotics might be needed. Your healthcare provider can decide on the right treatment based on the type of bacteria involved.

Overuse of Vocal Cords

Using your voice too much or too hard can cause laryngitis. This often happens to people who talk or sing a lot, like singers or teachers. If you don't give your voice a break, it can get inflamed and hurt your vocal cords.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

GERD is when stomach acid comes back up into the throat often. This acid can irritate the throat and cause laryngitis symptoms. To stop laryngitis from happening again and again, it's important to manage GERD with lifestyle changes and medicine.

Environmental Irritants

Breathing in things like smoke, pollution, or chemicals can cause laryngitis. These irritants can make the throat swollen and inflamed, leading to acute or chronic laryngitis.


Allergies to things like pollen, dust, or pet dander can cause laryngitis. When the immune system reacts to these things, it can make the throat swell up and get inflamed, which leads to symptoms like hoarseness and throat discomfort.

Inhalation of Respiratory Irritants

Breathing in stuff that bothers your lungs, like strong fumes or pollutants, can cause laryngitis. This might happen at work or when you're around harmful stuff in the air.

Weakened Immune System

People with weak immune systems can get laryngitis more easily. This could be because of health problems or certain medications. Keeping your immune system strong by living healthily can help prevent these infections.

Who Can Get Laryngitis?

1. Children

Kids are more likely to get laryngitis because their immune systems are still growing, and they often catch colds and other infections. Viruses that cause laryngitis, like the ones causing croup, are common in kids. Also, their vocal cords are more sensitive, so they can easily get irritated and swollen.

2. Adults

Laryngitis can happen to adults too, caused by viruses, bacteria, or talking too much. People with jobs where they talk a lot, like teachers or customer service reps, might be more likely to get it.

3. Professional Voice Users

People who use their voice a lot for their job, like singers or actors, are more likely to get laryngitis. Using your voice too much can make your vocal cords tired and swollen. It's important for these people to take breaks and rest their voices to avoid laryngitis.

4. Smokers and Tobacco Users

Smoking or using tobacco makes you much more likely to get laryngitis. The bad stuff in tobacco can make your vocal cords sore and swollen, causing long-term laryngitis. Quitting smoking helps keep your throat healthy and lowers your risk of laryngitis.

5. Individuals with Respiratory Conditions

People who already have breathing problems, like asthma or COPD, might get laryngitis more often. The swelling linked to these conditions can spread to the larynx and cause laryngitis.

6. Those with Weakened Immune Systems

People with weak immune systems, from illness or certain drugs, might get laryngitis more easily. Staying healthy and seeing a doctor quickly for any breathing issues is important for them.

7. Allergy Sufferers

People who often get allergies might get laryngitis because their immune system reacts to allergens. Stuff like pollen, dust, or pet dander can cause the larynx to get inflamed. Avoiding triggers and taking the right medicine can help stop laryngitis in these cases.

How Common is Laryngitis?

Laryngitis is a usual problem where the voice box gets inflamed, often due to infections, using the voice too much, or being around things that irritate it. Most cases are the short-term kind, but sometimes it sticks around longer, especially in people who talk a lot or have health problems. How many people get it exactly depends on things like where they live and who they are, but it's pretty common. Usually, it's not a big deal, but if symptoms don't improve or get worse, it's a good idea to check with a doctor.

Is Laryngitis Contagious?

Laryngitis itself isn't contagious because it's often caused by things like infections or talking too much, not by viruses or bacteria that spread between people through coughing or sneezing. If someone has laryngitis from a contagious illness like a cold or flu, they might spread that illness to others by close contact. So, while laryngitis itself doesn't spread, its causes might.

How is Laryngitis Diagnosed?

1. Medical History and Symptom Assessment

First, doctors look at your medical history, asking about when your symptoms started and how long they've been going on. They'll also ask if you've had laryngitis before and about any recent illnesses or things you've been exposed to. Then, they'll check out your symptoms, like how bad your hoarseness, sore throat, and cough are, to figure out what's going on.

2. Physical Examination

During the exam, the doctor will look at your throat and larynx with a tool called a laryngoscope. This helps them see how inflamed your throat is, check your vocal cords, and see if anything looks unusual. It helps them rule out other reasons for your symptoms.

3. Vocal Cord Function Testing

Doctors might do tests to see how your vocal cords work. One test is called laryngeal electromyography (EMG). It checks the muscles that control your vocal cords. Another test, videostroboscopy, uses a special light to watch how your vocal cords move when you talk. These tests help them understand how your vocal cords are doing and if there are any problems.

4. Laboratory Tests

If doctors think laryngitis might be caused by a bacterial infection, they may suggest lab tests. They can do a throat culture or take a swab from the back of your throat. This helps them figure out if you need antibiotics.

5. Imaging Studies

Sometimes, doctors might suggest imaging tests like neck X-rays or CT scans. These tests help see the throat and neck structures better and find out if there are any issues causing laryngitis.

6. Allergy Testing

Doctors might suggest allergy tests if they think allergies are causing laryngitis. These tests can be skin tests or blood tests. They help find out which allergens are causing the inflammation in the larynx.

7. Gastroesophageal Reflux Testing

If doctors think you might have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), they might do tests to check. These tests could include pH monitoring or esophageal manometry. These tests check for acid reflux and how severe it is, as it could be linked to laryngitis.

8. Biopsy (Rare Cases)

In very rare cases, doctors might do a biopsy. They take a small piece of tissue from your larynx to check it under a microscope. This helps them make sure there are no serious problems like cancer.

How is Laryngitis Treated?

1. Vocal Rest

To help laryngitis get better, it's important to rest your voice. That means giving your voice a break so your swollen vocal cords have time to heal. It's important to avoid talking too much, whispering, or singing until you feel better.

2. Hydration

Drinking lots of fluids is important to help your throat feel better. Water, herbal teas, and warm broths are good choices to keep your throat moist and ease any discomfort.

3. Humidification

Using a humidifier in your home or bedroom can help keep the air moist, which stops your throat from getting dry. This is especially helpful in places where the air is dry, like in winter.

4. Throat Lozenges and Sprays

Throat lozenges or sprays you can buy without a prescription have soothing stuff like menthol or honey. They can help your throat feel better for a short time. But remember to use them the right way, and don't only depend on them for treatment.

5. Warm Saltwater Gargle

Gargling with warm saltwater is a simple way to help with laryngitis at home. The salt reduces swelling and soothes soreness. Just mix half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle with it a few times each day.

6. Avoiding Irritants

Avoiding things like smoke, strong smells, and pollution is important when you have laryngitis. These things can make the inflammation worse and make it take longer to get better.

7. Rest and General Well-being

Getting enough rest and looking after your overall health is key to getting better quickly from laryngitis. Resting, sleeping well, and eating healthy foods help your body fight off infections and reduce inflammation.

8. Medical Intervention

If laryngitis is caused by a bacterial infection, doctors might give antibiotics. It's important to take the full course of antibiotics as directed to make sure the infection goes away completely.

How to Prevent Laryngitis

1. Hydrate Regularly

Keeping hydrated isn't just good during laryngitis; it helps prevent it too. Drinking plenty of water every day keeps your vocal cords moist and less likely to get irritated.

2. Practice Good Vocal Hygiene

To avoid laryngitis, it's important to treat your voice well. That means not shouting or speaking loudly for too long. If you need to be loud, consider using a microphone or other amplification tools.

3. Take Vocal Breaks

If you talk a lot, like teachers or singers, take breaks to rest your voice. This lets your vocal cords rest and lowers the chance of strain and inflammation.

4. Avoid Smoking and Limit Alcohol Intake

Avoid smoking and don't drink too much alcohol. These habits can make laryngitis worse. Quitting smoking and cutting back on alcohol is good for your health and your voice.

5. Manage Reflux and Allergies

If you have GERD or allergies, it's important to manage them. Eat foods that don't trigger reflux, raise your head while sleeping, and find ways to manage your allergies. This can help prevent laryngitis.

6. Use Humidification in Dry Environments

In dry places, like in winter or with indoor heating, a humidifier can help. It stops your throat from getting dry, which is crucial for people spending a lot of time inside with heaters.

How Long Does Laryngitis Last?

How long laryngitis sticks around depends on what's causing it and your own situation. Usually, if it's just a temporary irritation or infection (called acute laryngitis), it lasts for about one to two weeks. But if it keeps coming back or lasts longer than three weeks (that's called chronic laryngitis), it might need some medical attention. Resting the voice, staying hydrated, avoiding irritants, and following your doctor's advice can all help you feel better faster.

When to See a Doctor

If you're having serious or long-lasting symptoms like trouble breathing or swallowing, a high fever, or coughing up blood, it's time to see a doctor. Waiting more than two weeks with ongoing symptoms is also a sign to seek medical help. If you deal with laryngitis often, or if your job relies a lot on your voice, like singing or public speaking, talking to a doctor might be wise. And if laryngitis is bothering you a lot, or if you're worried, getting advice from a healthcare expert can give you peace of mind and the right treatment.

What Questions Should I Ask My Healthcare Provider?

1. What is the likely cause of my laryngitis?

2. Are there any specific tests needed to diagnose or evaluate my condition further?

3. What treatment options are available, and which do you recommend for my case?

4. How long can I expect my laryngitis symptoms to last, and what can I do to speed up my recovery?

5. Are there any lifestyle changes or self-care measures I should follow to manage my symptoms?

Are you or someone you care about dealing with laryngitis? Center One Medical is here to assist you. Our team knows how to diagnose and treat laryngitis and other conditions. Contact us and schedule a consultation today for personalized care and effective solutions. Don't let a hoarse voice or throat discomfort disrupt your daily life.


In conclusion, knowing about laryngitis helps you handle it better. Whether it's from viruses, bacteria, things in your environment, or talking too much, spotting the signs and doing the right things is important. If it's contagious, you need to be extra careful to stop it spreading. That means being clean and knowing how long it can spread.

Finding the balance between giving your voice a break and still getting your message across, getting help from doctors when you need it, and doing things to stop it from happening again all help you get better. Laryngitis is common, but you can deal with it by taking care of yourself, getting help from doctors, and making changes in your life. Remember, everyone's situation is different, so talk to your doctor to get the right help.


1. Is all laryngitis contagious?

  • Not all laryngitis is contagious. It's usually caused by things like infections, too much talking, or irritants, not by something you can catch from others. But if the laryngitis comes from something contagious like a cold or the flu, you might be able to pass that on to others. So, while laryngitis itself isn't catchy, what's causing it might be.

2. How long is laryngitis contagious?

  • How long laryngitis is contagious depends on what causes it. If it's from a virus or bacteria, it's usually catchy as long as you're showing symptoms. That can be a few days to a couple of weeks. During this time, you can spread the virus or bacteria by coughing, sneezing, or talking close to others. But once you start feeling better and stop shedding the virus or bacteria, you're not catchy anymore. To help stop spreading it, wash your hands a lot and stay away from close contact with others.

3. Can laryngitis be prevented?

  • To prevent laryngitis, wash your hands a lot, drink enough water to keep the throat wet, and stay away from bad stuff like smoking and yelling. Take care of your voice by not overusing it, resting when needed, and handling allergies. Stay healthy with good food, exercise, less stress, and enough sleep to keep the body strong against infections that cause laryngitis. Even if you do all this, laryngitis can still happen, so get help from a doctor if you feel sick.

4. Are there natural remedies for laryngitis?

  • Natural remedies for laryngitis include drinking warm fluids, breathing in steam, and resting your voice. Gargle with salt water or have honey and lemon in warm drinks. Some herbs like slippery elm or marshmallow root might also help, as well as using a humidifier. But if symptoms don't get better, see a doctor to be safe.

5. When should I see a doctor for laryngitis?

  • If your symptoms stick around or get worse for more than a week, it's a good idea to see a doctor. And if you're having trouble breathing or any other worrying signs, it's best to get medical help right away.

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